Saturday, 4 July 2020

Count'n Ounces and Treasure Hunting

On the off chance that there's one thing I took in, it's the intensity of 'Count'n Ounces.' In my earlier life, I went "to the field" in a plane, and when the opportunity arrived... bounced. I hopped with a parachute. I bounced with a save parachute. Furthermore, I bounced with a backpack and LBE (Load Bearing hardware...

which is military language for a flask belt and suspenders) that contained all that I would have accessible to me to do whatever was I was heading off to the field for. We should not overlook your weapon, ammo, and different weapons. On the whole, all that I went out the entryway of the airplane conveying somewhere in the range of 120-160 pounds... or then again considerably more. Thank heavens, the parachute carried out its responsibility.

At the point when I began my profession, we had a backpack called a "wilderness ruck." It comprised of a rounded metal edge and a pack that held possibly 1 ½ to 2 cubic feet of room. Not a great deal of room, considering all that we needed to convey.

On the casing (as a rule the top half) we would lash on a waterproof sack that conveyed resting gear and possibly a couple of different things. Presently for a trooper making a beeline for the field for 14-30 days, the main goal that goes in the ruck is strategic supplies and gear. For me, that implied at least one overwhelming radio, numerous batteries (large batteries), recieving wire making supplies (wire, protectors, rope, and so on.), and a bundle on different various stuff. Next came a lot of other required group gear.
From that point onward, I can begin taking a gander at my requirements. Food, attire, toiletries, dozing gear, "cry gear," and so forth. Each man had his standard rundown of individual stuff he took. Also, what you took was as little and lightweight as could be expected under the circumstances. You actually began 'Count'n Ounces' since you were going to convey each ounce you took.

Furthermore, in the event that you could escape abandoning that additional ounce, you did. Here's a model: Back at that point, you were given one of two sorts of field proportions: C-apportions or LRRP's. C-Rations were "wet food." It arrived in a crate that had singular jars of the primary supper, organic product, cake, bread, saltines, nutty spread, whatever. It additionally had a various unit that had espresso, half and half, salt, pepper, bathroom tissue, and a couple of different things.

A full C-Rat may gauge 2 to 2 ½ pounds. You could either convey that entire thing... or then again... you could break it out and take just what you needed and abandon the rest. What's more, that is the thing that we did. I was unable to eat the crate. It remained behind. I didn't need the half and half. Out it went. Whatever was inside that case that I was not going to devour, I abandoned. It might have just totaled an ounce or two, yet that is weight I didn't need to convey. Everything was examined in such a way. Likely the most important exercise I learned was the idea of "Double Use."

What is Dual Use? It's the determination of things that I took with me that could be utilized for at least two undertakings. Solace, regardless of how humble, was essential to us in the field. On the off chance that you could convey something that had a double utilize that additionally given a few methods for comfort, it was extremely valuable. What's a case of a double use thing? A container cup. The old G.I. flask cup was made of hardened steel, and formed so that the container fit inside.

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